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Time of Celebrations Ministries

10355 Mills Rd, Houston, TX 77070, USA




Time of Celebration Ministries Church, Inc. is a Non-Denominational Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church, dedicated to the rebuilding of our families by precept and example. Our mission is to equip every believer with the sound biblical principles necessary for growth and development as we impact the lives of others for change, build strong families, mature believers, restore the male seed, and reach the lost by precept and example.

The Vision of Time Of Celebration Ministries Church is to "Birth Nations Into The Kingdom of God One Life At A Time," with the emphasis on the male seed. God is a generational-minded God; a nation-minded God. When He sees a life, God sees beyond the one to the many lives that will be touched by the witness of that one life. Therefore, all members of Time Of Celebration Ministries Church are taught: (1) the importance of the male seed (2) how to work their Ministry of Reconciliation by reaching the lost, wounded, backslidden and hurting; (3) how to advance in intercession and (4) how to make increase in the Body through serving.

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Lead Pastor 

Pastor Jerry Flowers, Jr. & Tanisha Flowers

Senior Pastor 

Rev. J. W. Flowers & Dr. J. T. Flowers



Sunday Service 

First Service (EST)

10:00 AM

Second Service (EST)

12:00 PM

Third Service (EST)


Property Location

10355 Mills Rd, Houston, TX 77070, USA

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